Use Python
Send a regular transaction from one account to another with Python.
- Node.js.
- An Ethereum account containing some Sepolia test ETH.
Use MetaMask or similar to create an Ethereum account for testing.
1. Create a project directory
Create a new directory:
mkdir infura
into the directory:
cd infura
2. install the dependencies
pip install web3
pip install python-dotenv
3. Create .env
Create a .env
file in your project directory to store the private key of your Ethereum account.
Find out how to access the private key of your Ethereum account. Make sure that you prefix the <PRIVATE_KEY>
value with 0x
. The
private key you export from MetaMask will not be prefixed with 0x
Never disclose your private key.
A malicious actor who has access to your private key can steal your assets.
4. Create
Create a file named
and add the following lines of code.
import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from web3 import Web3, exceptions
infura_url = "<API-KEY>"
private_key = os.getenv("PRIVATE_KEY")
from_account = "<PUBLIC-KEY>"
to_account = "<RECIPIENT-PUBLIC-KEY>"
web3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(infura_url))
from_account = web3.to_checksum_address(from_account)
except exceptions.InvalidAddress:
print(f"Invalid 'from_account' address: {from_account}")
to_account = web3.to_checksum_address(to_account)
except exceptions.InvalidAddress:
print(f"Invalid 'to_account' address: {to_account}")
nonce = web3.eth.get_transaction_count(from_account)
tx = {
"type": "0x2",
"nonce": nonce,
"from": from_account,
"to": to_account,
"value": web3.to_wei(0.01, "ether"),
"maxFeePerGas": web3.to_wei("250", "gwei"),
"maxPriorityFeePerGas": web3.to_wei("3", "gwei"),
"chainId": 11155111
gas = web3.eth.estimate_gas(tx)
tx["gas"] = gas
signed_tx = web3.eth.account.sign_transaction(tx, private_key)
tx_hash = web3.eth.send_raw_transaction(signed_tx.rawTransaction)
print("Transaction hash: " + str(web3.to_hex(tx_hash)))
Ensure you replace the following values in the code:
with the API key of the Web3 project.<PUBLIC-KEY>
with the public key associated with the private key you added in the.env
With the public key of the recipient of the transfer.
If using a different Ethereum network, update the URL in the code.
4. Execute the transaction
Run the script:
Example output:
Transaction hash: 0x30c0ef29111ca7aecc78a99149649b5076d104afa7ed2f603ff2d2ec1aa27a8c
You can search for the transaction on a block explorer like Sepolia Etherscan.